
Payments and Refund Policy

Honor Code


Terms Of Use

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your use of our website, apps, and other products and services (“Services”). By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms, including the policies referenced in these Terms. THESE TERMS INCLUDE AN ARBITRATION AGREEMENT AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER THAT APPLY TO ALL CLAIMS BROUGHT AGAINST IOU. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY; THEY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS.


You may use our Services only if you can form a binding contract with IOU, and only in compliance with these Terms and all applicable laws. When you create your IOU account, and subsequently when you use certain features, you must provide us with accurate and complete information, and you agree to update your information to keep it accurate and complete. Any use or access by anyone under the age of 13 is prohibited, and certain regions and Content Offerings may have additional requirements and/or restrictions.


Subject to these Terms and our policies (including the Acceptable Use Policy, Honor Code, course-specific eligibility requirements, and other terms), we grant you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use our Services. You may download content from our Services only for your personal, non-commercial use, unless you obtain our written permission to otherwise use the content. You also agree that you will create, access, and/or use only one user account, unless expressly permitted by IOU, and you will not share access to your account or access information for your account with any third party. Using our Services does not give you ownership of or any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you access.


IOU offers courses and content (“Content Offerings”) from universities and other providers (“Content Providers”). While we seek to provide world-class Content Offerings from our Content Providers, unexpected events do occur. IOU reserves the right to cancel, interrupt, reschedule, or modify any Content Offerings, or change the point value or weight of any assignment, quiz, or other assessment, either solely, or in accordance with Content Provider instructions. Content Offerings are subject to the Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability sections below.


Unless otherwise explicitly indicated by a credit-granting institution, participation in or completion of Content Offerings does not confer any academic credit. Even if credit is awarded by one institution, there is no presumption that other institutions will accept that credit. You agree not to accept credit for completing a Content Offering unless you have earned a course certificate or other equivalent documentation of your completion of the Content Offering. IOU, instructors, and the associated Content Providers have no obligation to have Content Offerings recognized by any educational institution or accreditation organization.


Except as described in the Degree and Master Track Certificate Programs section below, nothing in these Terms or otherwise with respect to your participation in any Content Offerings by Content Providers : (a) establishes any relationship between you and any Content Provider; (b) enrolls or registers you in any Content Provider institution, or in any Content Offering offered by any Content Provider institution; or (c) entitles you to use the resources of any Content Provider institution beyond participation in the Content Offering.


The Services enable you to share your content, such as homework, quizzes, exams, projects, other assignments you submit, posts you make in the forums, and the like (“User Content”), with IOU, instructors, and/or other users. You retain all intellectual property rights in, and are responsible for, the User Content you create and share. User Content does not include course content or other materials made available on or placed on to the IOU platform by or on behalf of Content Providers or their instructors using the Services or Content Offerings. As between IOU and Content Providers, such Content Offerings are governed by the relevant agreements in place between IOU and Content Providers.


To the extent that you provide User Content, you grant IOU a fully transferable, royalty-free, perpetual, sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to copy, distribute, modify, create derivative works based on, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use the User Content. This license includes granting IOU the right to authorize Content Providers to use User Content with their registered students, on-campus learners, or other learners independent of the Services. Nothing in these Terms shall restrict other legal rights IOU may have to User Content, for example under other licenses. We reserve the right to remove or modify User Content for any reason, including User Content that we believe violates these Terms or other policies including our Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct.


We welcome your suggestions, ideas, comments, and other feedback regarding the Services/courses (“Feedback”). By submitting any Feedback, you grant us the right to use the Feedback without any restriction or any compensation to you. By accepting your Feedback, IOU does not waive any rights to use similar or related Feedback previously known to IOU, developed by our employees, contractors, or obtained from other sources.


We care about the security of our users. While we work to protect the security of your account and related information, IOU cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security measures. Please notify us immediately of any compromise or unauthorized use of your account by emailing [email protected].


Through the Services, you will have the ability to access and/or use content provided by instructors, other users, and/or other third parties and links to websites and services maintained by third parties. IOU cannot guarantee that such third-party content, in the Services or elsewhere, will be free of material you may find objectionable or otherwise inappropriate or of malware or other contaminants that may harm your computer, mobile device, or any files therein. IOU disclaims any responsibility or liability related to your access or use of, or inability to access or use, such third-party content.


IOU respects the intellectual property rights of our users, Content Providers, and other third parties and expects our users to do the same when using the Services. We have adopted and implemented the IOU Copyright and Trademark Policy below in accordance with applicable law, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.


IOU is committed to advancing the science of learning and teaching, and records of your participation in courses may be used for education research. In the interest of this research, you may be exposed to variations in the Content Offerings. Research findings will typically be reported at the aggregate level. Your personal identity will not be publicly disclosed in any research findings without your express consent.


IOU offers paid Services (e.g., course certificates for certain courses) for a fee. Unless otherwise stated, all fees are quoted in U.S. Dollars/BDT. You are responsible for paying all fees charged by or for IOU and applicable taxes in a timely manner with a payment mechanism associated with the applicable paid Services. If your payment method fails or your account is past due, we may collect fees using other collection mechanisms. Fees may vary based on your location and other factors, and IOU reserves the right to change any fees at any time at its sole discretion. Any change, update, or modification will be effective immediately upon posting through the relevant Services. Refunds may be available for paid Services as described in our Refund Policy below.


The Services may allow you to enroll in degree and Master Track certificate programs or similar programs offered by our Content Providers on the IOU platform. Our Content Providers serve as the distance education providers of these programs and determine admissions, refunds, and graduation or completion policies and requirements. Nothing in these Terms shall restrict the applicability to you of any institutional policies established by our Content Provider in connection with these programs (e.g., student codes of conduct); such policies shall supplement these Terms and to the extent, there is a conflict between such policies and these Terms, as between you and our Content Provider, our Content Provider’s policies shall govern.


We are constantly changing and improving our Services. We may add or remove functions, features, or requirements, and we may suspend or stop part of our Services altogether. Accordingly, IOU may terminate your use of any Service for any reason. If your use of a paid Service is terminated, a refund may be available under our Refund Policy. We may not be able to deliver the Services to certain regions or countries for various reasons, including due to applicable export control requirements or internet access limitations and restrictions from governments. None of IOU, its Content Providers and instructors, its contributors, sponsors, and other business partners, and their employees, contractors, and other agents (the “IOU Parties”) shall have any liability to you for any such action. You can stop using our Services at any time, although we’ll be sorry to see you go.


The services and all included content are provided on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. The IOU Team specifically disclaim any and all warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, and any warranties arising out of course of dealing or usage of trade. The IOU parties further disclaim any and all liability related to your access or use of the services or any related content. You acknowledge and agree that any access to or use of the services or such content is at your own risk.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, the IOU parties shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of profits or revenues, whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from (a) your access to or use of or inability to access or use the services; (b) any conduct or content of any party other than the applicable IOU party, including without limitation, any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct; or (c) unauthorized access, use, or alteration of your content or information. in no event shall IOU’s aggregate liability for all claims related to the services exceed twenty u.s. dollars ($20) or the total amount of fees received by IOU from you for the use of paid services during the past six months, whichever is greater.

you acknowledge and agree that the disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth in these terms of use reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risk between you and the IOU parties and that these limitations are an essential basis to IOU’s ability to make the services available to you on an economically feasible basis.

you agree that any cause of action related to the services must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues. Otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the IOU Parties from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, and damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, made by any third party related to: (a) your use or attempted use of the Services in violation of these Terms; (b) your violation of any law or rights of any third party; or (c) User Content, including without limitation any claim of infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property or other proprietary rights.


The Services are managed by IOU, which is located in Dhanmondi-32, Dhaka, Bangladesh. You agree that any dispute related to these Terms will be governed by the laws of the State of Bangladesh, excluding its conflicts of law provisions. In the event of any dispute related to these Terms that is not subject to binding arbitration, you and IOU will submit to the personal jurisdiction of an exclusive venue in the federal and state courts located in and serving Bangladesh as the legal forum for any such dispute.


We reserve the right to revise the Terms at our sole discretion at any time. Any revisions to the Terms will be effective immediately upon posting by us. For any material changes to the Terms, we will take reasonable steps to notify you of such changes, via a banner on the website, email notification, another method, or combination of methods. In all cases, your continued use of the Services after publication of such changes, with or without notification, constitutes binding acceptance of the revised Terms.


If it turns out that a particular provision of these Terms is not enforceable, this will not affect any other terms. If you do not comply with these Terms, and we do not take immediate action, this does not indicate that we relinquish any rights that we may have (such as taking action in the future).


Our Content Providers and integrated service providers are third-party beneficiaries of the Terms and may enforce those provisions of the Terms that relate to them.


For details on our refund deadlines and policies, please refer to the information below. Please note that our policies differ between subscription payments and one-time payments made for course, specialization, and guided project purchases and that payment options may vary from one offering to another. Please also note that we treat violations of our Terms of Use very seriously, and we have no obligation to offer refunds to users who violate these or other IOU policies, even if their requests are made within the designated refund period. Similarly, we have no obligation to offer late refunds to users who do not receive a passing mark in a Content Offering, or who are otherwise unsatisfied with their final grade. For more information about our refund process, including instructions for requesting a refund, please visit our website Help Center.


IOU does not offer refunds for payments made on a month-month subscription plan. To avoid being charged during a free trial promotion, you must cancel your subscription before your free trial ends. If you complete a course during the free trial period, IOU reserves the right to require you to pay for a one-month subscription in order to receive a course and/or specialization certificate. Your subscription will continue on a month-to-month basis unless and until you cancel or the subscription is suspended or discontinued by IOU. For subscriptions to individual specializations, IOU will automatically discontinue your subscription at the end of the monthly period during which you earn a specialization certificate for the specialization unless you have subscribed through a third-party marketplace that restricts our ability to do. You must cancel your subscription before your monthly renewal date to avoid the next billing. If you cancel your subscription, the cancellation will be effective at the end of the current monthly period; you will continue to have access to your subscription for the remainder of that period, but you will not receive a refund. To get a full refund of your IOU subscription payment, submit a refund request via the Learner Help Center within 14 days of your payment. Refunds will not be provided if requested after this 14-day period. Some IOU subscriptions may have a free trial period instead of a refund period. If you do not cancel during the free trial, you will be billed the full amount for the subscription you signed up for and be unable to request a refund.

If you cancel your subscription after the refund period of your subscription, you will continue to have access until the end of the subscription period and will not be billed for the next billing cycle.


OU does not offer refunds for payments made on a month-month subscription plan. To avoid being charged during a free trial promotion, you must cancel your If you cancel your paid enrollment for a standalone course, IOU will offer you a complete refund until 14 days after payment, or until you have earned your course certificate, whichever is earlier. If you pre-enroll and pay for a course, IOU will offer you a complete refund until 14 days after the course launches or until you have earned your course certificate, whichever is earlier. For avoidance of doubt, once you have earned a course certificate with your payment, you are not eligible for a refund even if it is within 14 days. If you do not earn your course certificate within 180 days, your registration will expire and you will need to pay to re-enroll for the course.

If you cancel your one-time, paid enrollment for a specialization, IOU will offer you a complete refund until 14 days after payment, or until you earn a course certificate for any course in the specialization, whichever is earlier. If you pre-enroll and pay for the Specialization, IOU will offer you a complete refund until 14 days after the first course in the specialization launches or until you have earned your first-course certificate for any course in the specialization, whichever is earlier. If you earned your first-course certificate for any course in the specialization within 14 days, you are not eligible for a refund. Unless otherwise indicated as part of the sign-up process, you have one year after you purchase a specialization to complete the specialization.




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        Woodside, New York, USA

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